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Golan Heights




I have used Aba and Friends to help plan multiple trips to Israel. Using guides that are knowledgeable and fun loving makes the touring experience very enjoyable.

Bill Heubner - Men For Missions

The Golan is an extensive area that borders with the Galilee in the West and Syria in the East. Lebanon in the North and Jordan in the South. In the 1967 War, when those countries (plus Egypt) tried to invade Israel, the Golan was back to Israel.

Many sites can be seeing at Golan. Cesarea of Philipi (Banias) is where Jesus asked His disciples who He was (Matthew 16). Peter's answer was the right one: "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” (Matthew 16:16 NAS95)


Golan Heights lies some 118 miles (190km) away from Jerusalem, and visit

Hammat Gader, a hot springs on the edge of the Syrian and Jordanian border. Then, continue to the village of Katzrin to admire its sights on a walking tour. Though it's considered as the capital of Golan Heights, Katzrin is actually a Talmudic (ancient Jewish) village with incredible ruins scattered all around. Visit Katzrin’s synagogue, and admire the remains of the 6th-century building that still features some original decorative details.

Mount Bental – one of Golan Height’s extinct volcanoes. Towering above the Golan plateau, the mountain lends itself to breathtaking views over Quneitra Valley in Syria. 

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